Monday, April 25, 2011

Kids Coconuts and Root Beer Floats

While the Hindt family was visiting us here on Roatan they expressed a desire to help us with various projects that we have. So we all rolled up our sleeves and set to work in the tropical sun. After a while everybody stopped to try some coconut milk, even Saydee the Wonder Dog. We got quite a bit done that day and had a lot of fun too.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Visitors on Roatan - pt. 1

Living here on Roatan in the Bay Islands of Honduras we are blessed to live in a tropical setting (duh) right near the ocean. We were also blessed recently to have some visitors. Friends of ours, the Hindt family from Canton, MI, came down on a family mission trip. This video is part one of several videos documenting the fact that not only did the Hindts work while they were here but they also had a good time. One of the highlights in this video is a trip to West Bay Beach for some snorkeling.