Monday, August 19, 2019

Medical STAR Team-New Equipment

This year we were blessed to receive a new piece of equipment to help us better take care of the patients who come to our clinics. Here is Dr. Tiffany to explain it.

Evangelism STAR Team 2019

Working with the churches of the Las Vegas area of Honduras was truly an opportunity to watch God work in people's lives. The Evangelism STAR Team along with the pastors of the various churches saw a real moving of God's Spirit in the lives of people.

STAR Team Fun Day 2019

There are many wonderful things that happen during the Medical STAR Team week, but we always make sure to have a fun day at the end of the week.

Medical STAR Team-Friday

We had a great week and it was great to see how God worked in meeting both health needs and spiritual needs. Please Like and Share to help us spread the word and consider joining us next year. Thanks.

Medical STAR Team-Thursday

Another day is in the history books for the Medical STAR Team. I really wish you could be here with us to see everything that is happening and to enjoy some of the nice coffee we are enjoying. :-)

Medical STAR Team-Wednesday

Yesterday was a delightful day for our Medical STAR Team. There were 205 people who passed through the doors of the clinic to be seen by our team of doctors and dentist. Many of them also stopped to talk to our counselors. We will give you all the details in today's video.

Medical STAR Team-Tuesday

We had a great day with the Medical STAR Team. Please take a few minutes to watch this and then please pray about joining us next year.

Medical STAR Team-Monday

Monday was the first day of our Medical sTAR Team for 2019. For the first time we had a dentist and we kept her busy. This will give you a quick look at the day, please Like and Share. Thanks.