Monday, January 3, 2011

Trolling For Dogs On Roatan

You may be wondering what we do for excitement here on the island of Roatan. Sometimes we have to be creative and sometimes activities just unfold right before our eyes. Such is the case with the latest sport to be sweeping the island and that is the sport of Dog Trolling. This is a new sport, but the seeds have been here for some time. To compete you need to have a dog and then you have to take the dog for a walk; the rest just takes care of itself. Come on along with Saydee , our German Shepherd, and me and we'll show you some of the finer points of Dog Trolling.


  1. Guess we'll have to borrow your dog sometime to try it for ourselves :>)

  2. Hunter went CRAZY when I watched this! He's still convinced that he needs to be barking.
